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Original Photos

Please enjoy our new inter-active site… where you can see how your chosen art pieces will work with your own home or office décor before purchasing! Images are available as photographs only, or framed and matted in the styles and sizes of your choice. All images are shot by award-winning photographer, F.M. Kearney.

Based in New York City, Kearney has amassed a unique collection of iconic urban sights, including the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the World Trade Center and the Manhattan skyline. Most of the photos are shot either at sunset or twilight – when the Big Apple comes alive with colorful traffic light trails.

If your preference is natural scenery, the choices are just as vast. Select stunning landscapes captured in all seasons. Also, peruse an eclectic array of garden roses, tulips, daffodils and cherry blossoms – many enhanced with soft-focus special effects. Whether you’re seeking natural or man-made subjects, Kearney’s artistic images will make decorative accents to any environment.

Trusted Art Seller

The presence of this badge signifies that this business has officially registered with the Art Storefronts Organization and has an established track record of selling art.

It also means that buyers can trust that they are buying from a legitimate business. Art sellers that conduct fraudulent activity or that receive numerous complaints from buyers will have this badge revoked. If you would like to file a complaint about this seller, please do so here.

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This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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